bike check impresionante Chad Kerley

Frame: Premium Aurora
Fork: Premium F.Y.B. Forks
Bars: Premium Whiskey Bars 8.25 x 28
Grips: Premium Counterfeits
Stem: Premium Sub-10 V2
Headset: Premium
Front Wheel: Premium
Rear Wheel: Demolition LHD with a 9t driver
Tires: @Chadkerley Tires. Front: 2.25 Back: 2.0
Cranks: Premium 1948 bossless cranks, 175mm
Pedals: Premium Plastic Slims
Sprocket: 28t Premium chromoly sprocket that’s connected to my cranks without a sprocket bolt.
Chain: Cult
Seat: Premium Collage
Post: Premium carbon fiber Stump post
Clamp: Connected to frame..
Pegs: Chadow Pegs
Hub Guards: BSD rear plastic

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